
030101 Frege’s Philosophy of Language and Logic (Rami)

030060 Argumentation (Seselja, Straßer)
Seminar takes place February 5-9, 10-16
Philosophy and science are based on argumentation. Instead of just voicing opinions or stating beliefs, scholars give reasons and provide evidence for their conclusions. Argumentation is key when trying to find a consensus, or at least when identifying the roots of a disagreement. As such, it is central in many areas, from everyday life to political discourse. Needless to say, good argumentative skills are a necessary requirements for successful studies (in essay and thesis writing, for instance). In this course we will survey different facets of argumentation theory. We start off with foundations (argument schemes such as the Toulmin scheme, fallacy theory, types of arguments, etc.) and proceed towards contemporary investigations (e.g.: computational argumentation; Bayesian and probabilistic argumentation; pragma-dialectics; reasoning and biases; etc.). Finally, we will look into practical applications of argumentation, for example, in the context of structured debating as well as in the context of online debates. The reading list will be provided via Moodle at the beginning of the semester.

030101 Science and Values (Baedke, Fischer)
Seminar takes place November 14, 16-18 (introduction), February 5-8, 10-16
Do values play a role in the creation of scientific knowledge? If so, what moral, personal, social, political and cultural values influence science? Do they harm science, by limiting scientific objectivity and rationality? Or do they instead propel science in fruitful ways? Debates about the value-free ideal of science have become widespread in philosophy of science over the last two decades. In these discussions, the distinction between epistemic and non-epistemic values has become a key framework to understand the involvement of values in science. It also highlights that a substantial part of these values is always implicit to scientific practices. What is more, values contribute to how we draw disciplinary boundaries and address complex issues of societal relevance. This ‘block seminar’, first, aims at providing an overview of the classical theories of value judgements in science, such as the Mertonian norms. Second, it focuses on more recent discussions and positions, including feminist epistemology, debates about commercialization in science, epistemic injustice (someone is unfairly judged to not have the knowledge they have), and epistemic diversity (epistemic judgments vary due to different cultural backgrounds) as well as issues like trust and accountability in publishing practices, and the reliability of peer review. Third, participants will develop a critical understanding of the various roles values play in science through the lens of different case studies, like Covid-19 research, climate science, pharmacological research, or race-based science (and scientific racism). The block seminar is open to advanced B.A. students and M.A. students. Depending on the attendees the language of the course will be German and/or English.

030059 Fact-checking of Scientific Claims: a Philosophy of Science Perspective (Seselja)
Seminar takes place November 4, 10-16, December 16, 10-16 and January 27, 10-16
Contemporary social discourse has been flooded by fake news, echo-chambers, epistemic bubbles and other epistemically pernicious processes. Scientifically relevant information has not been spared: from `anti-vaxxers' to climate-change deniers, disinformation has also had an effect on scientifically relevant news. To combat such issues, social media have introduced the practice of `fact-checking'. However, fact-checking of scientific claims can be challenging. To start, neither does the frontier of scientific research typically produce `facts', nor can such claims easily be `checked'. Ongoing inquiry, often pervaded by scientific disagreements and controversies, is characterized by incomplete or conflicting evidence, and hence by a high degree of risk and uncertainty. At the same time, an unhinged spread of false or deceptive information can easily have numerous harmful consequences, including the loss of public trust in science. In this block seminar we will start from the philosophical discussions on the evaluation of scientific hypotheses, and the role of values in scientific inquiry. In addition, we will look into recent controversies surrounding the fact-checking of scientific claims. Throughout the course, students will work in teams, where each team will choose a case-study to research. The result of the research will be presented in the final block. The course will consist of three blocks, to be held on Saturdays. In addition, teams will have (online) coaching sessions in between the blocks. The reading list will be provided at the start of the course.

030097 Methods in History and Philosophy of Science (Baedke)
Takes place 09.9.-13.09., 10:00-16:00, GABF 04/352
This seminar addresses methodological issues in philosophy of science. This includes, among others, ways to conduct philosophy of science vs. philosophy for science, methods of integrated history and philosophy of science (HPS), argumentation theory as well as experimental and digital methods in philosophy of science. The seminar is obligatory for students of the master program HPS+.

030115 Integrated History and Philosophy of Science (Seselja)
Takes place 18.05., 08.06., 13.07., 10:00 - 16:00, Wasserstr. 221/4
The method of historical case studies is one of the central methodological approaches employed by philosophers of science. As Imre Lakatos famously put it "Philosophy of science without history of science is empty; history of science without philosophy of science is blind". But how and why do we conduct historical case studies? Which philosophical questions can benefit from such inquiry, and which conceptual tools can help us to formulate fruitful answers? In this course you will learn the basics of Integrated History and Philosophy of Science (HPS). In particular, you will learn how to conduct historical case studies to tackle philosophical questions. The seminar will consist of three main blocks, as well as online coaching sessions in between them: First block (May 18) will be dedicated to the employment of the HPS approach to the study of values in the context of scientific inquiry. Second block (June 8) will be dedicated to the employment of the HPS approach to the study of scientific pluralism. After the second block, you will choose a historical case-study, which you will investigate for the remainder of the course. Third block (July 13) will be dedicated to student presentations in which each student will present the results of their work. Before each block, you will have to complete an assignment, which will consist of writing short reviews of the assigned readings (Blocks 1 & 2) or slides for your presentation (Block 3). Moreover, at each block you will have to complete an additional assignment during the class: a team-work presentation of one of the readings (Blocks 1 & 2) or the presentation of your research (Block 3).

030073 Argumentation (Seselja, Straßer)
05.09.25-09.09.25 Philosophy and science are based on argumentation. Instead of just voicing opinions or stating beliefs, scholars give reasons and provide evidence for their conclusions. Argumentation is key when trying to find a consensus, or at least when identifying the roots of a disagreement. As such, it is central in many areas, from everyday life to political discourse. Needless to say, good argumentative skills are a necessary requirements for successful studies (in essay and thesis writing, for instance). In this block seminar we will survey different facets of argumentation theory. We start off with foundations (argument schemes such as the Toulmin scheme, fallacy theory, types of arguments, etc.) and proceed towards contemporary investigations (e.g.: computational argumentation; Bayesian and probabilistic argumentation; pragma-dialectics; reasoning and biases; etc.). Finally, we will look into practical applications of argumentation in the context of structured debating.

030088 Philosophy of Plants (Baedke, Straetmanns)
03.02.-06.02.2025 The philosophy of biology was and still is characterized by a bias towards the animal kingdom. Concepts like teleology or agency, individuality, and behavior have often been shaped and philosophically examined with a focus on multicellular animals. However, in recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in science and society at large towards a more serious consideration of plants and their unique characteristics. This “vegetal turn” is propelled by an increasing number of scholars, who no longer view plants as passive and inert objects but as active, communicative, and agential subjects that shape their surroundings and engage in various environmental relationships. This shift is accompanied by debates on concepts like plant intelligence, as well as on the advantages and dangers of anthropomorphizing plants. Simultaneously, in this vegetal turn, plants take center stage in the face of global environmental challenges like climate change or environmental pollution. The first part of the seminar will focus on the history of the philosophy of plants, which can be traced back as far back as Aristotle and Theophrastus. We will then examine how different biological concepts – like teleology, organization, individuality, sexuality, cognition – play out in the plant world, what theoretical and methodological problems they trigger and how scholars have dealt with them. Lastly, we will look at other aspects of the philosophy of plants, like plant ethics and the emerging field of critical plant studies. In the seminar, publications covering the history of philosophy and current debates in philosophy of science will be read and discussed. To pass the course, students must participate in the preliminary meeting, actively partake in the discussions, and conduct a presentation (or take other course activities). No particular knowledge in biology is required. Depending on the participants the seminar can be held in English and/or German.

030075 Fact-checking of Scientific Claims: a Philosophy of Science Perspective (Seselja)
09.11.24, 07.12.24 & 25.01.25 Contemporary social discourse has been flooded by fake news, echo-chambers, epistemic bubbles and other epistemically pernicious processes. Scientifically relevant information has not been spared: from `anti-vaxxers' to climate-change deniers, disinformation has also had an effect on scientifically relevant news. To combat such issues, social media have introduced the practice of `fact-checking'. However, fact-checking of scientific claims can be challenging. To start, neither does the frontier of scientific research typically produce `facts', nor can such claims easily be `checked'. Ongoing inquiry, often pervaded by scientific disagreements and controversies, is characterized by incomplete or conflicting evidence, and hence by a high degree of risk and uncertainty. At the same time, an unhinged spread of false or deceptive information can easily have numerous harmful consequences, including the loss of public trust in science. In this block seminar we will start from the philosophical discussions on the evaluation of scientific hypotheses, and the role of values in scientific inquiry. In addition, we will look into recent controversies surrounding the fact-checking of scientific claims. Throughout the course, students will work in teams, where each team will choose a case-study to research. The result of the research will be presented in the final block. The course will consist of three blocks, to be held on Saturdays. In addition, teams will have (online) coaching sessions in between the blocks.

030115 Capita Selecta in logic and the foundations of mathematics (Sanders)
February 2025 (Timetable slot is just a placeholder! Please see eCampus for updates on the time.) In this course, we provide an overview of the (historical) foundations of logic and mathematics, starting from the era of Russell, Hilbert and Brouwer. We aim for an understanding of the associated foundational philosophies (intuitionism, finitism, predicativism) along with a hint at the underlying mathematics and logic. The (rather direct) connection to Turing’s computability theory and Goedel’s incompleteness theorems is discussed. An outgrowth of all the aforementioned is the (more philosophically neutral) program of ‘reverse mathematics’. We introduce the latter, discuss some examples, and provide a detailed study of recent applications in the philosophy of mathematics.

030106 Writing a Bachelor or Master Thesis in English (Seselja, Straßer)
Takes place 12.04., 19.04, 17.05., 31.05., 28.06., 14:15-17:30, Wasserstr. 221/4
In this course we will cover the basics of academic writing of philosophy theses and essays (including seminar papers, BA and MA theses), focusing on the following issues: How to structure and organize an academic article? How to concisely express the main theses and aims of the paper? How to develop strong arguments? How to find the relevant sources? And so forth. The seminar is targeted at students who are in the process of writing a Bachelor or Master thesis, or who will do so soon. Students have opportunities to present ideas and drafts of chapters. In the seminar these contributions will be examined in terms of academic language, argumentative structure, style, etc. Students will give (guided) peer review of the contributions. The seminar will take place in five blocks (April 12, April 19, May 17, May 31, June 28), each time at 14:15-17:30. In addition, students will have individual (online) coaching sessions in between the blocks.