030079 Jonathan Birch: The Edge of Sentience (incl. Workshop with the Author)

Event Timeslots (1)

In this seminar, we will read Jonathan Birch's much-discussed new book The Edge of Sentience. It discusses conceptual, empirical and ethical issues related to the question which entities can be said or supposed to be sentient. It is open access and free for download on the website of Oxford University Press but it will also be available in a moodle course. The seminar will have three phases. In the first few weeks, we will try to get as far as possible into the book, then on June 12-13, Jonathan Birch will come to Bochum and give three lectures on the book, accompanied by talks from early career researchers. This workshop will provide ample opportunity for discussion and engagement with the author. Depending on how the seminar is developing, we will include the possibility for students to present posters at the workshop. The discussion language in class will be English.