030006 Situated Cognition (Schlicht)

Event Timeslots (1)

Situated Cognition is an umbrella term for a family of views about cognition which breaks in various ways. That is, it rejects the sandwich model of cognition, according to which cognition is “sandwiched” in between perception and action, and it rejects the representational-computational theory of mind. Instead, it conceives of perception, cognition and action as dynamically entangled phenomena and of perception as an embodied activity of the whole organism in a complex physical and social environment. Consequently, brain, body and world must be taken into account in explanations of cognition. Situated cognition is also sometimes equated with 4E cognition, according to which cognition is embodied, embedded, enactive and sometimes extended. We will introduce all of these frameworks and conceptions in detail and add some historical detail. For example, we discuss how the contemporary enactivism with its central notion of autopoiesis has emerged from Kant’s discussion of organisms in the Critique of the power of judgement and Hans Jonas’ philosophy of the organism. | | | Literature: Andy Clark 2014: Mindware. 2nd ed. Oxford University Press.