030136 Interdisciplinary Reading Club: Recent in Philosophy of Mind and Situated Cognitions (Newen)

Event Timeslots (1)

The colloquium is organized for PhD students and for advanced Master Students only (of several programs) who are already working on their Master thesis or at least have decided to work out the master thesis in the area of theoretical philosophy. We will offer regular presentations half from master- and PhD-students from Bochum and half from external guests. The presentations will all be in the general domain of theoretical philosophy and cognitive sciences, many of them discussing problems in philosophy of mind or in the area of ‘Situated Cognition’. The presentations should ideally but not necessarily have some interdisciplinary dimension such that perspectives from philosophy, psychology, linguistics, and neurosciences can be systematically interconnected. The aim of the colloquium is to offer a platform for discussion of ongoing research in the RTG-group ‘Situated Cognition’ and further research projects on social understanding, the self, episodic memory, the perception-cognition divide and many more. PhD-students who are interested in presentations should write an email to both organizers (albert.newen@rub.de and Julia Wolf (julia.wolf-n8i@rub.de) and come to the first meeting. The program of the semester will be fixed then. PhD students can receive credit points for an active participation if they are part of the new PhD-program. Master students can receive standard CPs (ungraded certificate) for a presentation in the colloquium (in the case of an additional essay, Master students can receive standard CV and a graded certificate).