030114 An introduction to mathematical philosophy (Sanders)

Event Timeslots (1)

The idea of using mathematics to solve problems in philosophy is perhaps as old as the discipline itself. Recently, there have been concerted and systematic efforts, initiated by e.g. Hannes Leitgeb, to delineate this as a separate sub-field, christened mathematical philosophy. In this class, we aim to keep the mathematics required basic but will still obtain meaningful results regarding e.g. vagueness and Quine-Putnam indispensability.An important goal is to show the limitations of mathematical philosophy while also stress its rich results.
Event takes place on the following days:
Mo (28.07.2025), 09:00 bis 18:00, GA 04/187. Di (29.07.2025), 09:00 bis 18:00, GA 04/187. Mi (30.07.2025), 09:00 bis 18:00, GA 04/187. Do (31.07.2025), 09:00 bis 18:00, GA 04/187. Fr (01.08.2025), 09:00 bis 18:00, GA 04/187.