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Non-deterministic semantics, as introduced by A. Avron, I. Lev, B. Konikowska and A. Zamansky, represents a significant generalization over many-valued semantics, extending the traditional matrix semantics approach in a very natural way, by allowing for the possibility that truth-functions assign sets of values rather than single truth-values. Consequently, the truth-values of complex formulas are not uniquely determined by the truth-values of their subformulas. During this course we will introduce participants to the basics of this framework, the so-called Nmatrices, as well as its metatheory. By discussing recent examples of Nmatrices wrt to Modal Logics and Paraconsistent Logics, we will show and highlight their expressive power over matrix semantics. Finally, we will explore generalizing the concept of Nmatrices to so-called RNmatrices (restricted Nmatrices), as introduced by M. Coniglio and G. Toledo, to introduce even more expressive power and show their significance in current research, in particular for logics who do not enjoy finite matrix semantics.
CP can be earned by a graded written exam.