030113 Integrated History and Philosophy of Science (Seselja)

Event Timeslots (1)

The method of historical case studies is one of the central methodological approaches employed by philosophers of science. As Imre Lakatos famously put it "Philosophy of science without history of science is empty; history of science without philosophy of science is blind". But how and why do we conduct historical case studies? Which philosophical questions can benefit from such inquiry, and which conceptual tools can help us to formulate fruitful answers? In this course you will learn the basics of Integrated History and Philosophy of Science (HPS). In particular, you will learn how to conduct historical case studies to tackle philosophical questions. The seminar will consist of three main blocks, as well as online coaching sessions in between them: First block (May 10) will be dedicated to the employment of the HPS approach to the study of values in the context of scientific inquiry. Second block (June 14) will be dedicated to the employment of the HPS approach to the study of scientific pluralism. After the second block, you will choose a historical case-study, which you will investigate for the remainder of the course. Third block (July 19) will be dedicated to student presentations in which each student will present the results of their work. Before each block, you will have to complete an assignment, which will consist of writing short reviews of the assigned readings (Blocks 1 & 2) or slides for your presentation (Block 3). Moreover, at each block you will have to complete an additional assignment during the class: a team-work presentation of one of the readings (Blocks 1 & 2) or the presentation of your research (Block 3).
Event takes place on the following days:
10.05., 14.06., 19.07., 10:00 - 16:00, Wasserstr. 221 (individual tutoring sessions in between the blocks)