030134 Lecture Series ‘History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences’ (Baedke)

Event Timeslots (1)

(online) In this lecture series current topics in the history and philosophy of the life sciences will be discussed. The lecture series will host talks by international leading experts and local researchers, including philosophers and historians, but also scholars from the social and natural sciences. Participants will also have the opportunity to present their master and doctoral theses. Once per month (3-4 times during the whole term) the participants meet for a reading group meeting (instead of a lecture series talk) in which current research literature is discussed. For students (especially, but not only students of the HPS+Logic program) who want to participate and receive course credits, please write to jan.baedke@rub.de and register via eCampus. Talks will be given in English and online (via Zoom). They will be announced on: https://rotorub.wordpress.com/roto-lecture-series/